Friday, November 18, 2011

6241# 有人知道lysine 可以加入優頓汁喝嗎?


可以看看這個 , 有人知道lysine 可以加入優頓汁喝嗎?

08/05/2011: Anonymous from Anonymous writes: "Hello Ted,

I've been reading your posts on Earth Clinic and came across your recomendation of Sabah Snake Grass for cancer. May I know more on your experience with this herb, what condition is most suitable, how it should be taken and if there is any side effect. My father's house is overgrown with this herb and it'll be good if we can give it away to help someone."

08/05/2011: Ted from Bangkok, Thailand replies: "08/05/11 Ted responds, "Herbs seem to work best if mixed with lysine or somehow lysine is taken first, but alone they don't work that consistently. I usually used them 1/2 teaspoon of powdered sabah snake grass (or Stonebreaker or Phyllanthuis niruri) twice to three times a day. The issue is the lysine is given hourly for four doses, morning and evening for at least 3 days, and sabah snake grass if given in powder form (I don't believe in tincture) act as a timed release, therefore is taken 3 times or 4 times, not as frequently as lysine. It is actually used locally as a cure for herpes simplex virus, topical cream extract, but all antiviral herbs, is effective against cancer that are also viral caused, it is characterized generally as metastatic, but on another hand most cancer grows very quick if you take fructose, so I would want to avoid any drinks with fructose, but also sugar, and carbohydrates in general. It should be noted that cancer responds to anti viral herbs of any kind and any sugar reducing effects of any herbs. Many local herbs exists that lowers the blood sugar, but unfortunately everyone here is keeping it a secret, but most herbs that reduces fever actually do that by reducing the blood sugar. So if you know it reduces fever, there is good chance it reduces blood glucose. It generally takes 3 days of any supplement to take effect, lysine and sabah snake grass, for example. That means during the first 2 days, you will experience chills and it gets better on the third day. Most Asian cancer, I observed are viral in nature, which is responsible for highest Hepatitis B in the world, but there are many unidentified virus found in vaccines that causes cancer as a contaminant, such as Simian virus, etc. There is some claims in internet that Sabah snake grass cures cancer, and there are well posted of the cures, but I cannot substantiate it, as I found you need at least 3 things to cause a cancer cure, 1) get blood sugar under control, 2) you need lysine for sure and it is taken hourly is the secret 3) any herbs, sabah snake grass, andrographis paniculata, etc. works best with lysine.

It helps if some kind of green tea is added especially green tea extract, as they contain tannic acid and tannins and they denature the proteins in the cancer. You can look at sabah snake grass, and they give their own recipes. I don't usually heat the leaves and I used powdered form, it varies, but the usual dose is 1/2 to 1 teaspoon. I mention this as they are easy to find for most people.

The sabah snake grass is most suitable for virus like causes, other slow growing virus don't work as well. Those may be fungal cause, and there is heavy metal cause, chemical cause, stem cells (yes stem cells causes cancer too), internal bruises or cuts, and other causes. Chemical cause and metal detox I think thunbergia and milk thistle work better, as they detox the liver. Metals cause, then you need metal chelators, chlorella and EDTA. Cancer is generalized as happens to be cancer when they are malignant, if not they are benign. So obviously this herb won't work for all cancer. What works for all cancer is sugar control not above 90 mg/dL, but for cancer to begin recovery needs 100 mg/dL and especially avoid fructose. A coupe of exception to this rule is green apple, carrots and bitter melons, and the reason is: it reduces sugar, in spite of the fact that some carrots juice are sweet, but it most be freshly squeezed.

To cause a tumor to go into regression or to dissolve the hard tumor, is what most "alternative healers" are really stuck. They think it's CoQ10, or Quercetin, or Alpha Lipoic acid, or Selenium. But these more to give energy of recovery from cancer when they are weak rather then dissolving the hard tumor. Maybe they do dissolve it but its really slow, between 2 to 6 months perhaps, but I think bromelain works the best (mine is 10% bromelain) so it is stronger then commercials ones as I prepared them myself, the 90% is glycine, it allows bromelain from clumping together. Others used silicon dioxide. Glycine by the way slows tumor growth also, but is always taken with the lysine. Most people who see me is stage 3 or stage 4.

I rarely mentioned CoQ10 because they always add some oils in these supplements that grow cancer (soybean oil, corn oil, etc.) the best oil to be mixed is coconut oil, but they don't do it. Hard tumors (mostly) is fibrosis, and can be handled with taking Lugol's iodine. There is some consolation of CoQ10, the oils added is small so it has minimal effect on tumor growth.


08/05/11 Anonymous replies, "Dear Ted,
Thank you for your prompt reply and all the advices. I really appreciate it coz currently there are 3 friends/family of friends suffering from cancer (at different stages).

You mentioned that Sabah Snake Grass only works if the cancer is viral caused, but how do we know what is the cause of the cancer?
Also, I read that you recommend Lysine to be taken hourly for 4 hours in the morning and repeat in the evening, and the Sabah Snake Grass is taken in 3-4 doses - so does that mean SSG is taken in 3-4 divided doses throughout the day or must be taken at the same time as Lysine?"

08/05/11 Ted responds, "You mentioned that Sabah Snake Grass only works if the cancer is viral caused, but how do we know what is the cause of the cancer?
It's simple, if it works it's viral. So if taken it works and the person responds to it, we can surmised it was viral.
Should be taken at least 1/2 teaspoon three times a day. But 1 teaspoon x 3 or 4 is the therapeutic dose the minimum is in case person have difficult taking it for different reasons, e.g. tube fed, etc.

Also, I read that you recommend Lysine to be taken hourly for 4 hours in the morning and repeat in the evening, and the Sabah Snake Grass is taken in 3-4 doses - so does that mean SSG is taken in 3-4 divided doses throughout the day or must be taken at the same time as Lysine?
Any herbs works best with lysine, I must be taken with lysine otherwise the outcome of herbs supplements will sometimes works, and that is not something we like, we like it to work every time. I am trying to minimized supplements to save cost. The other is lime juice with baking soda, vary baking soda that will tastes good (squeeze hard on the peel because it's d limonene and is anti cancer) and very easy to find.
发表于 3-10-2011 05:19 PMlclin

6339# 常吃柑橘类水果可防癌


食道癌是消化道恶性疾病中常见的一种,一般认为消化系统疾病之间都是有一定联系的,食道癌早期若不及时治疗,一旦发生转移和扩散就会首先选择其他消化道部 位,给患者带来的伤害是可想而知的。食道癌在我国是高发病,每年因食道癌死亡的人有很多,40岁以上为多发年龄,近年来也有年轻化趋势,因此,年轻朋友也 应该注意预防食道癌的发生。
柑橘类水果能够抗氧化,强化免疫系统,抑制肿瘤细胞生长,并使肿瘤细胞转变成正常细胞。澳大利亚的科学家称,在所有的水果当中,柑橘类中所含的抗氧化 物质最高,其中有170种以上的植物化学物质,包括60多种黄酮类物质,还有17种类胡萝卜素。黄酮类物质具有抗炎症、抗肿瘤、强化血管和抑制凝血的作 用,类胡萝卜素则具有很强的抗氧化功效。这些综合的生理活性成分使得柑橘类水果对多种癌症的发生具有抑制作用。
实际上,柑橘类水果并不是每一种营养素含量都非常高。若论钾、镁、铁等矿物质含量和维生素C的含量,比不上鲜枣;若论黄酮类物质的含量,比不上山楂; 若论类胡萝卜素的含量,比不上木瓜和芒果。然而,柑橘类水果产量丰富、价格便宜、四季可食,在膳食中的营养意义受到人们更多的重视。

发表于 3-10-2011 02:47 PM Corline

6327# 防治癌症的综合疗法



2.坚果豆类糙米饭 (80%糙米,20%坚果豆类),配大豆食品。


3.氢化植物油 (margarine,人造黄油)


3.纤维素 (橙、黄梨等连纤维一起吃)
4.胶原蛋白 (比如《益气健脾肉筋汤)
6.维生素 B17 - 苦杏仁,每天10粒


1.排除宿便 (有多种方法)


5.少吃夜宵 (常吃夜宵易患胃癌)

===》 以上资料来源 :防治癌症的综合疗法~理论篇

发表于 3-10-2011 12:19 AM Corline





发表于 3-10-2011 09:47 AM 孙秀金=

6326# 癌症的预防






食品在生 产、加工、储存和运输过程中,能被外来致癌物污染,而且食品自身也可能转化产生致癌物质。食品加工保藏过程中常常加入防腐剂和添加剂,并采用油炸、烟熏、 烧烤等方法,很容易使食品添加或产生致癌物质。近年来,更有许多黑心商人,为了牟暴利而在食品中添加了非食用有毒物质。比如在牛奶中加入尿素和三聚氰氨, 在各类食品中添加塑化剂,不只会导致各种疾病,也可能诱发癌症。各国政府必须加强管制和铲除这些不法商人。




长 期受不良情绪的影响,可以导致自律神经和内分泌功能失调,免疫系统防御功能减弱,自愈和抗癌能力降低。那些不满与愤怒情绪无法疏解,以及受失望和悲观情绪 折磨的人容易患上癌症。研究显示,癌症患者常常压抑自己的情绪,对前途悲观失望,过分自责和焦虑。那些有严重抑郁倾向者,死于癌症的危险比对照组高三倍。

焦 虑、绝望、挫折、忧伤、苦闷、压抑、愤恨、悲痛等等负面情绪,会促进癌细胞的产生,也不利于治疗和康复。对于癌症病人来说,家庭和朋友的关怀、理解和鼓励 极其重要,保持一颗平常心来面对癌症往往胜过灵丹妙药。切记,千万要摆脱负面情绪的影响。凡事要以乐观、豁达的心态来面对。


20101016日 来自伦敦综合电的报道说,英国曼彻斯特大学通过研究木乃伊发现癌症属于现代病。该大学最新研究推断,癌症完全是现代人“自作自受”的疾病。研究团队分析了 数百具埃及木乃伊、古人化石与古典文学后发现,肿瘤在古代极为罕见,在木乃伊身上几乎找不到恶性肿瘤的踪迹。直到近代因为污染、不良饮食、不知节制的生活 习惯,才让肿瘤与癌症成了现代人的健康杀手。有关肿瘤的相关记录直到200年前才出现。自此,人类的罹癌率开始急速飙升。

发表于 3-10-2011 12:18 AMCorline