马 草汁是我们免疫系统所需要的营养和食物。免疫系统却是世界上最好的医生,而我们身上每一个人都拥有一个能医百病的医生。这医生怎样跟我们医病,有时凭我们 人类的智慧很难理解。但这无所谓,因为替我们医病本是它的工作。而我们的工作是每天喝一杯马草汁供应它就行了。喝马草汁就是为了要喂饱这些免疫细胞,然后 要它们为我们工作。免疫细胞一得到它们所需要的营养食物,它们就会开始正常操作。"Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. Our food should be our medicine. Our medicine should be our food. " Hippocrates, Greek physician (460 BC - 377 BC)
The body’s ability to fight illness is determined by the immune system. Through improving the health of the immune system, chlorophyll-grass juice and other raw food, may increase the odds of your overcoming any kind of health problem. Hippocrates, the father of medicines, stated。
- 排毒:要健康,身体里日积月累的毒素和垃圾一定要先清除。免疫细胞会帮我们做全身体大扫除的工作!毒素透過血液循環的流動 , 會經由肺臟、腎臟、皮膚、腸道.... 等 , 而被排出體外。這包括了肌肉中的尿酸、血管中的膽固醇、淋巴釋出有害人體的細菌和細菌產物、藥物和成癮物質 ( 尼古丁、咖啡因、自由基 .... )。各个排毒器官的操作功能加强后,将能把所有的废物一一清除。在一轮好轉反應後 , 我们會逐渐感受到能量和健康的巨大回升力量。
- 抗体:免疫细胞其实是在我们身体里24小时保护着我们的兵士。它们能将外来入侵者,病毒,细菌,一概摧毁。如果时时用自己的兵士来抵抗外来疾病,累集作战经验,当有相同疾病来临时,就不需要靠药物自己也能抵抗了。
- 修补:处在我们体内的免疫细胞比谁都清楚我们体内的问题到底出在那里。无论任何一种病痛和疾病,它们都能给于适当的治疗和修补受损的器官和组织。这就是所谓的“自癒能力”了。免疫系统在这方面具有不可思议的力量和无限的潜能。
Similarities of Chlorophyll and Hemoglobin:
The green color of green grass is produced by chlorophyll. Its molecular structure is similar to the molecular structure of the hemoglobin of human blood which is responsible for transporting oxygen in the vascular system.
Chlorophyll is chemically of nearly the same components as hemoglobin.
Hemoglobin: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen all organized around a single iron atom.
Chlorophyll: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen all organized around a single magnesium.
发表于 12-10-2009 06:20 PM 孙秀金=