Friday, September 16, 2011

5195# 5305# 5306# Guyabano,... The SourSop Fruit


Guyabano,... The SourSop Fruit

The SourSop or the fruit from the Graviola tree is a miraculous natural cancer cell killer 10,000 times stronger than Chemo.

Why are we not aware of this?

Its because some big corporation want to make back their money spent on years of research by trying to make a synthetic version of it for sale.


   发表于 10-8-2011 01:31 PM  sleemal

    "Soursop" 我不知它真正的中文名,我们都叫它番榴莲,也是鬼佬榴莲的意思。听说是鬼佬带过来的。也有人叫它红毛榴莲。



发表于 10-8-2011 06:56 PM  sleemal

凯特琳,又一种水果 (Soursop)- 比化疗药强10,000倍。维他命C成分也很高。“Soursop" 就是如以上的本地水果。听说以前是由鬼佬带过来的,我们叫番榴莲,也有人叫红毛榴莲。现在已经很难买到了。那天我买是RM8.00一公斤。

发表于 10-8-2011 07:27 PM  sleemal